About Psychearth

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In this blog, you will receive philosophical enlightenment, curiosity of the cosmos, and creative inspiration that will hopefully leave you wondering and hunting for more answers to the unanswerable. With every thought and work of art, you add to the world and totality of everything in this life.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Insanity: A Poem

A virus in the Universe
Unto which we cannot see
When intelligence is cursed
Into incomplete sanity

Chemicals imbalanced
Clawed by eagle’s talons

Some call it madness
Others call it crazy
But they feel not wild nor angry
For they are unaware, much like a baby

They watch, heartless, like ghosts
Dead dust deep inside the cosmos

What even is a man diseased with this plague?
A man is born to think, not to die every day
Declaring war on an unseen force
Is like reviving a long fallen crumbling corpse

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