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In this blog, you will receive philosophical enlightenment, curiosity of the cosmos, and creative inspiration that will hopefully leave you wondering and hunting for more answers to the unanswerable. With every thought and work of art, you add to the world and totality of everything in this life.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Mind of the Apes

The Great Apes. Earth's most dominant group and the perfect cradles for the evolution of the intelligent brain.

     As the dawn of Man arose in Earth's history, something beautiful began to take place. The great apes that roamed the Earth at that time developed many evolutionary advantages to ultimately conquer the planet. They began to walk upright, allowing them to have a better view of the horizon. In the mean time, their brains increased in size, allowing them to have a better understanding of life itself.

     The great apes that roam Earth today give us many clues as to how our ancestors once thrived. Do apes have a mind? Can they be aware of their own and each others feelings? Can they recall the past and look forward to the future? New observations of great apes in the wild weave the tale on how our primordial ancestors were touched by the hand of the cosmos to evolve into the modern thinking man.

     Life evolves to ultimately gain wisdom of the Universe. It must adapt to the environment and thrive within it before learning how to use the environment to its advantage. Evolution created the brain to harness the eventual wisdom that life would receive. Apparently, the humanoid (the ape) was the perfect body to harbor the ever-evolving and amazing brain. From making stone tools to hunt for small prey to harnessing our star's energy to power our homes, intelligent humans have acquired the knowledge of shaping the world to themselves, rather than the other way around. This occurrence didn't just happen, either. It took the thirst for survival and the evolution of the mind.

     I believe that the Universe is made up of consciousness and intelligence for the existence of life to "tap into."  Living things (including plants) absorb this consciousness and release it back to nature as an action or thought or creation, much like breathing. As apes evolved and pursued to understand consciousness, they developed the mind. The mind was useful, because it gave early humans the chance to manipulate the consciousness, beauty, and intelligence that was flowing freely into their brains. As they drew in the wonders of nature and "thought" about them, they became the first life forms on Earth to express themselves through paintings on cave walls, a sculpting or carving, even in their spearheads, and possibly the ancient discovery of music. (Click here to read about Music: The Universal Language or the Soulful Conscience). This new creative awareness and curiosity of the world around them lead to everything we know today, such as the International Space Station. It's mind boggling to think about how far we have come in the past few million years, and especially in the past century. At this rate, we'll be exploring the stars even more in depth in no time.

     The great apes that we know and love today are deeply connected to us humans. I believe they feel a strong connection with us and we should feel the same. Using scientific facts and logic, we have slowly uncovered the tip of the buried pyramid of what it means to be human.

     Apes are still evolving too. Could we one day live in harmony with the evolved intelligent gorilla or peaceful bonobo? I sure hope so. Living along side thinking apes could change the way we view ourselves, the world, and our place in the Universe.

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