About Psychearth

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In this blog, you will receive philosophical enlightenment, curiosity of the cosmos, and creative inspiration that will hopefully leave you wondering and hunting for more answers to the unanswerable. With every thought and work of art, you add to the world and totality of everything in this life.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Trees

     One of planet Earth's most distinctive features is its massive amount of plant life in the form of forests, jungles, underwater sanctuaries, and manmade gardens. Are these majestic creatures conscious beings? Or organic machines for recycling gases in Earth's atmosphere? In the last 475 million years, land plants have orchestrated the evolution of life profoundly by providing the animals of the planet oxygen in return for their waste and breath. This simple, yet beautifully complicated cycle can clearly be shown in an aquaponics system. In aquaponics, or hydroponics, plants are grown above a source of water inhabited by fish, snails, and/or other algae eaters. The waste and carbon dioxide of the swimmers supplies the growing plants with nutrients to eventually yield food for a human, perhaps. It's these unconscious cycles in which the universe portrays its ability to create something out of what seems like nothing. The fish is just as aware of its eating and disposal of fertilizer as the plant is of its roots hydrating the leaves. They're not setting a goal to create food for humans or other animals. They just are. They live their lives completely unknowing of their purpose, all while in a state of complete being, simultaneously creating something deliciously beneficial. Anatomically modern humans can learn from this. Our evolved mind, aware of consciousness, is a blessing and a curse. Thoughts evolved as a tool of the mind to dig deeper into consciousness. Consciousness includes being, imagination, and creation. However, thoughts are also dangerous. There must be a balance between thinking and being. 

Many anxieties/sufferings in life are caused by identifying with thoughts as "you." When in reality, you are not your thoughts. You are pure life. Thoughts identify with each other. They latch onto each other and lead to conclusions not even related to the original situation. 

Venture into Nature and learn from the trees. 
Feel Tao.

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