About Psychearth

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In this blog, you will receive philosophical enlightenment, curiosity of the cosmos, and creative inspiration that will hopefully leave you wondering and hunting for more answers to the unanswerable. With every thought and work of art, you add to the world and totality of everything in this life.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


"I love you."
"I love you more."
"No, I love you more."
"Noo, I love you more."

     This simple conversation got me thinking... What is love? What's its essence? Can you actually measure it? Now, obviously for the two young lovebirds in the case above, actually measuring their love for one another or even the question of "what is love?" probably never crossed their minds. However, for the thinking man, many questions and theories and are born inside of his head when the nature of love is questioned.

     Love is a strange, yet wonderful experience. It expresses itself in many various forms. The love between a married couple is different between the love portrayed at the beginning of this entry. Then again, those types of love are very different than the love between mother and child. Now, how do you explain when someone says "they were meant for each other" or "it was love at first sight"? Is love predestined between two people or animals? A mother doesn't actually see her baby until it is physically born; however, she still has a very strong, loving connection with it while in utero. Surrounded by fluid and white noise, the baby is unaware of his existence, and yet it still feels very bonded with its mother. After the baby is born, the love continues to grow and change, but the mother will forever, unconditionally love her child. On the other hand, a love between two non-related animals, or humans, is a little different. I'm not convinced that two animals, such as deer, can come to love each other, because of their lack of intelligence. However, I believe that when two people (what's the difference? Animal vs. Person) come to trust each other (even in the case of mother and child), the evolution of love begins. Love, like natural selection, grows and becomes stronger and more efficient with time and change. The bond between two people will continue to thrive as long as the initial trust isn't damaged. As the Universe continues to develop, love is and always will be a major driving force. Without love, planets would be tiny trapped worlds of chaos, stars couldn't bond to their mother nebulae, and Universe would completely fall to pieces.
     As we have discovered, art, intelligence, and love literally are the Universe - and we are definitely included in that. Your purpose as a human being is to create, learn and teach, and just love your fellow humans and your Mother Earth. You have a very special relationship with Her. Embrace it. 

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