About Psychearth

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In this blog, you will receive philosophical enlightenment, curiosity of the cosmos, and creative inspiration that will hopefully leave you wondering and hunting for more answers to the unanswerable. With every thought and work of art, you add to the world and totality of everything in this life.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Evolution vs. Creation

"Where did we come from?"

     This question has haunted mankind ever since we could first look into the night sky and wonder what was beyond it. Mother Earth and her people could finally connect with the intelligence of the cosmos. Thousands of philosophies and theories have been born since this great time in Human history, many of which can easily be ruled out. In this entry, we will explore two of the most significant beliefs that have been at war for an exceptional amount of time. Evolution versus creation. Did we evolve from an ape-like ancestor in the process of natural selection millions of years ago? Or did an almighty god create us in his image while governing the Universe that we know and love today?

     Each one of these arguments have valid theories, evidence to support those theories, and an overall conclusion on how Humans, and life in general, ended up on Earth. Psychearth Philosophy isn't about choosing sides and backing up that side with facts and arguments. Instead, this blog can be used as a tool for compromise, evolution of old ideas, and creation of new ones. So, why can't evolution and creation just coexist? By coexist, I mean as life evolves to become more intelligent, the more life creates and adds to the Universe. Evolution and creation are just natural, important, universal forces that attach to the energy of life and give it meaning. As art is created and evolves on Earth, the more it will become apparent that our quarreling is useless and the Universe is one vast masterpiece painted by love.

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