About Psychearth

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In this blog, you will receive philosophical enlightenment, curiosity of the cosmos, and creative inspiration that will hopefully leave you wondering and hunting for more answers to the unanswerable. With every thought and work of art, you add to the world and totality of everything in this life.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Psychearth Philosophy

     In this post, I want to share with you my personal philosophies that I will be using the duration of this blog.


     Religious books, texts, etc. have always been a source of comfort and answers about life; however, I don't believe that they do us complete justice. I love the ideas and the poetry portrayed in the Bible. It's a great book. However, we are intelligent human beings. We should know better than to center our life around a book written thousands of years ago. Why can't we just use all of the religious text in the world for inspiration and some guidance instead of scaring our children into believing they're going to burn in Hell?
     Religion is a human creation. Humans themselves are completely free to roam their precious planet, Earth. In a less extreme way, I agree with the theories of Sartre and I look up to the ideas of Aristotle for influence. These great philosophers had something in common - the belief of free will and of course, commonsense. Why do we need a god to control and judge our every move? We evolved on this planet by ourselves, I think we can manage being completely free by ourselves too. I wholeheartedly believe that the Universe is "God" and is made up of art, intelligence, and other natural/unseen forces. After all, the days of creating mythical gods and goddesses are long gone; those ideas have already been distributed to the creative wisdom of the cosmos.

      Creation. Your mind probably immediately jumped to the Christian God creating the entire Universe in six days; however, my definition of creation is more down to Earth and simultaneously universal. I believe that art plays a very significant role in the Universe. Because the Universe is spiritually made up of intelligence and art, I believe that intelligent life plays a role in the Universe by supplying that art and intelligence. In fact, I would go so far as to say that every breath that comes out of our mouth every moment is a beautiful work of art (why give the credit to some being in the sky? It just is art because nature is art). That's why living things evolve to eat meat, grow larger brains, learn to use tools and control fire, and eventually, build spaceships destined for the moon with their evolved species aboard them. That's why we have created artwork, music, poetry, movies, books, and everything else that makes up the creative right hemisphere of Mother Earth's brain. And yet, there's still something we struggle to realize that we must create. Ourselves. If we don't need all of those religious texts to tell us that we're sinful creatures, why do we continue to thumb through them in search of our individual purposes? We've given ourselves too many paper cuts, and it's time to realize that we can step back and mold our mind around the true soul we own.
    In conclusion, I believe the Universe and the nature that evolves on life-producing planets is "God" and we are truly one. This life does have a purpose. As intelligent apes, our purpose is to literally create our own purpose and reflect the art of the Universe back towards the night sky by creating art of our own.

We are a conversation. Embrace it.

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