About Psychearth

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In this blog, you will receive philosophical enlightenment, curiosity of the cosmos, and creative inspiration that will hopefully leave you wondering and hunting for more answers to the unanswerable. With every thought and work of art, you add to the world and totality of everything in this life.

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Brain, the Mind, and the Soul

     It's all in your head. Right? Without a brain inside of your skull, you wouldn't be able to perceive the world in any way, let alone understand it. Do you understand me? Of course you do, because you're a well-functioning human being with an incredibly evolved brain, unlike your chimp cousins. As evolution chiseled the modern human out of the stone age ape, we began walking around on two legs, and our brains grew in size. It evolved from an amazing organ that just powered life to an even more powerful organ that could completely change life. With the evolution of the brain in mammals, particularly apes, many other useful tools, feelings, and evolutionary advantages developed inside of the ape's head. One of these prominent developments was the mind. The mind was the early form of true intelligence - something we seem to take advantage of today. Our simple, yet complex minds millions of years ago allowed us to create lasting relationships with each other, within our hunter-gatherer communities (could this be the origin of human love? Click here). As we grew closer, and discovered more and more about this new mind together, other aspects of our lives began to change. And after thousands of years, the modern thinking human was born. Man was born to think. To love. To create. To wonder. To explore. To challenge.
I believe that we, life, and nature, is separated into three different components:
Physical: The brain, a chemically complex organ powered by neurons and oxygen flow. (Mathematics, the science of matter, physics, etc.) 
Psyche: The mind, life's most dominant weapon and source of ability. (Philosophy, wisdom, art, etc.)
Spiritual: The "soul," flowing through the cosmos during our afterlife, eventually settling inside of a new womb. (Natural energy, the unknown, etc.) Click here to read more about the soul.

     Without the physical brain, the mind wouldn't exist. Without the development of the mind to understand and manipulate consciousness, no thirst for discovery, knowledge, and ultimately wisdom would exist. No art or music would be fabricated or appreciated. No beauty. These elements are what make up the spiritual aspect of the Universe. Without evolution, no intelligent life. Without intelligent life, the Universe can't discover itself as more than just atoms and elements and ultimately, nature can't thrive.
     When one loses his mind, the barrier between reality and eternity is broken and one becomes lost in a mindless, emotionless void.

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